Posted by:
Ben Minerds
5 years, 9 months ago
Hi Everyone,
After a few months of campaigning on the Assistance and Access Bill we thought this month we should lighten it up with a bit of fun and games.
I've recently stumbled upon MineTest which is an Open Source sandbox game made up of giant voxels. It's got all the usual bits and bobs you might expect from a game of this type like tools, minerals, plants and structures. It's also has a whole world of mods to explore and extend the default experience. There are some interesting public servers we could explore as a group or we could create our own local worlds too. So pick up your trusty pick-axe (or laptop) and come along to try out MineTest with us.
As usual doors open at 6, we'll kick it off at 6:30 and plan to finish up about 8:30pm when we'll head down to Errol st for some tasty cuisine and great discussions.
See you all there!
Thursday 20th June, 6:30-8:30pm
Electron Workshop - 31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051
Travel tips by Electron Workshop:
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