Hi Software Freedom Lovers
It's November! and that's the time of the year when we look back and think about the Free Software that has improved our lives and given us all so much joy thorough the year. So join us this Thursday at Electron Workshop for our "Free Software Show and Tell" where we'll go round the group and each talk for a few minutes about the Free and Open Source Software that has made a difference for us this year.
It can be something you've just heard about and it sparked your interest or something you've come to rely upon day in and day out.
At 6:30 we'll will kick it off with our regular Gnews segment to get our tongues flapping and then we'll get stuck into the show and tells. We'll end the evening with pizza at Electron Workshop for dinner (vegetarians catered for, celiacs/others ping me and we'll arrange something)
I learned a few new tricks last year at the Show and Tell and it's always a fun night. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Event details
Thursday 16th Nov, 6:30-8:00pm
31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051
Map: http://osm.org/go/uG4HWyqEz?m=&node=2556615434
Travel tips by Electron Workshop: http://www.electronworkshop.com.au/map/