The extensive use of Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud infrastructure in modern times raises serious questions around data sovereignty and ownership: where does the data reside? who owns it? who has access and control of it? and what does that mean for me?
This month at Free Software Melbourne we will be discussing alternatives to the big SaaS providers and in particular how we can use NextCloud to become our own self service SaaS providers. We'll discuss how NextCloud is built to deal with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and why that is important, even here in Australia. Like all Free Software, NextCloud has a community and we will also take a look at why it's so large and fast-growing.
Advantages of NextCloud:
We will be leaving ample time at the end for questions and discussions so please feel welcome to engage fully.
We’ll be meeting virtually via Big Blue Button at 7:30pm on Thursday the 15th. This is a non-technical event and all are welcome to listen in or join the discussion.
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