2015-09-10: Let's free Sydney!

Inaugural Sydney Meeting

Free Software Sydney will host an inaugural meeting on the 10th of September.

The objective of this first event is to  get together, gauge interest, and see where we go from there.


Beyond introducting each others, we also want to understand what people expect from such a group, get an idea of what the next steps are.

We will also have a couple of talks by Andri Effendi and Olivier Mehani (shtrom) to warm up the floor. Hopefully, this will lead to a lively discussion.


We will meet on 2015-09-10, at 8:00PM - 9:30PM (AEST). The agenda will be roughly as follows.

  • 10min Introduction
  • 20min Andri; Experiences switching to Free Software
  • 20min Olivier: Security considerations and Building Trust (Hashing, GPG, SSL CAs, Trusting trust, Reproducible builds)

  • 20min Andri: Tor
  • 20min discussion

Notes will be available on the wiki.


One of the things we need to clarify is how to get venues, so until we have a venue we will be meeting online.


Please note: your webcam and microphone will automaticaly start, so please disable it if you wish to remain anonymous.

Jitsi Meet

We will use Jitsi Meet (Video Conference FreeSoftwareAustralia), which is a pretty neat video-conferencing system based on WebRTC.

This is pretty recent technology, and you will need a very recent browser such as Firefox Nightly or Chromium for it to work. Your favourite distribution package manager is probably the easiest way to get going.

This will require at least headphones and a microphone. A webcan can be a nice addition. Of course, you'll also need a decent Internet connection. We'll also try to record the meeting for later.



In case of issues with Jitsi, we'll have a backup using Mumble. You can simply get one of the clients available of the official site, and connect to paris.sturm.com.au. This will require a password, which we'll give out if needed.

Mumble takes a few minutes to run through the setup wizard, so it might be a good idea to make sure it works for you ahead of time.


A fresh IRC channel for all Australian enthusiasts as just been registered: #FreeSoftwareAustralia on FreeNode. While Jitsi and Mumble both have a Multi-User Chat feature built in, some of us will also be there as an extra backup.

We can also keep the discussion going after the event, as IRC is pretty low volume and always on.

Other info about this event:

This conference will be recorded and will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Other links