Rename 'upcomingTopics'
Use commas (,) to separate multiple names in the Target field.
Meta data of item to be renamed:
- Action: SAVE
- Address:
- Comment: ''
- Content Type: Markdown [text/x-markdown;charset=utf-8]
- Data ID: 14c1de66ba3e4524afe3de25e41be933
- External Links: (None)
- Item ID: 62c052d98652417b90c721ec8aa3c58b
- Item Links: (None)
- Item Transclusions: (None)
- Item Type: default
- Language:
- Modified Time: 2024-04-30 21:15:01z
- Name: upcomingTopics
- Old Name: (None)
- Namespace: ''
- Parent Revision ID: 223714d2c0be4de3b6def42ed23fa353
- Revision ID: dd54f1aa46da4779bb820d19b9a318c6
- Revision Number: 32
- SHA1: fb859dccc424cab2fc6d854101aff741aa721297
- Size: 110 Bytes
- Summary: ''
- Tags: 20
- Trash: False
- User ID:
- Wiki Name: My MoinMoin
Content of item to be renamed: