# FSM Committee Meeting #
### 12th December 2015 ###
## Next Meetup ##
* 17th December?
* Need to get announce out before monday.
### Talk: ###
* n/a - Dinner
### Facilitator: Where? ###
* The usual? - ???
* Imperial Hotel Bourke Street? - [http://bourkestreetimperial.com/uploads/cde5acbff3db1b576cde2412a77b6f37b6f7cb2d.pdf](http://bourkestreetimperial.com/uploads/cde5acbff3db1b576cde2412a77b6f37b6f7cb2d.pdf)
* gazi (greek)? - [http://gazirestaurant.com.au/assets/menu/gazi.pdf](http://gazirestaurant.com.au/assets/menu/gazi.pdf)
* mamasita (spanish)? - [http://www.mamasita.com.au/uploads/documents/2015-07-12/DinnerMenu.pdf](http://www.mamasita.com.au/uploads/documents/2015-07-12/DinnerMenu.pdf)
### Door: Pick which door? ###
* my vote is for Imperial Hotel, but wherever we can book before Monday would be best
* I'll follow that vote. I think maybe we just run. No meeting needed. (Scott)
### GNews: ###
* 5-10min to get topics flowing?
* retrospective / best of 2015?
### Audio: ###
* n/a
### Other things ###
* Open community end of year drinks:{: list-style-type="no-bullet"}
* seems to have morphed into something a bit different than intended, but we probably want to be on the list
* [https://melbourne.meetupmixup.com/](https://melbourne.meetupmixup.com/)
## January ##
* Ben S: LCA Talk{: page-href="wiki:///CommitteeMeetings/20151212"}