Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20150701

Attendees: Ben S, Ben M

## 1. June meeting recap ##

* good turnout
* Scott's talk was great
    * perhaps we could provide links to other places people could create accounts - Hack5 server down
* few newbies
* liked the sections in the Gnews
* no access until 6:05pm, bit of a pain
* didn't have time to set up streaming
* audio worked well - does take a bit of work to post-process due to background hum
* handed off nametags to Tatiana, worked

## 2. This month ##


Roles: [](

* host/timekeeper: Ben Finney
* notetaker
* inclusing/door/nametags


* Ben M has an idea for a Javascript frameworks presentation
* keep our eyes out for other people

Gnews [](

* perhaps get someone non-ctte to do it?


* Classic Curry

## 3. Alternate venue? ##

* really need two ctte members with access
* Ben M. mentioned that city library may have low cost meeting spaces
* Electron Workshop is a possibility, but Ben S. concerned about location
* York Butter Factory on King Street - need someone with access/membership?
* maybe we just try somewhere else for October

## 4. Workshop brainstorming: ##


* talked through the format, registration and various risks

Next actions:

1. lock in venue - should be confirmed with Melbourne Uni in next few days
1. approach mentors
1. announce the event

## 5. Having two topics to promote works well ##

* handy if someone has to pull out
* can mix more/less technical
* might make it easier to atract a wider range of people{: page-href="wiki:///CommitteeMeetings/20150701"}