Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20140605

# Committee Meeting, 5 Jun 2014 #

[Original meeting notes](

## Attending ##

* Adam B.
* Andrew S.
* Ben F.
* Ben S.

## Meeting checklist ##

1. Sign on door
1. Name tags.
1. Clean-up when done
    * Lights
    * Power and computers reconnected
    * Chairs

## Meet-up Agenda ##

### Action Item Status ###

Update on tasks from last meeting (Thu 2014-05-01)

* Ben S: Still to talk to large [LibrePlanet](LibrePlanet) group and contact admins about using their wiki
* Ben F.: no response yet from Jon Lawrence of EFA, try contacting again for TPP talk at FSM meeting

Confirm details of upcoming meeting (Thu 2014-06-19)

* Security protocols effectively limit meeting to finish before 20:30, so we should aim to finish by 20:00.

### Meeting Structure ###

#### Gnews: (duration: 0:45) ####

##### Software Releases #####

* Firefox 30.0
    * New Firefox Sync (incompatible with the old sync)
* Google trying out End-to-End Email Encryption [](
    * Can't import keyrings larger than around 128Kb. Import keys individually with something like:
        * ` for i in $(gpg --list-keys '' | grep '^pub' | sed 's/^.*\/\([^\ ]*\).*/\1/') ; do gpg --armor --export-options no-export-attributes --export ${i} > ${i}.pub ; done `{: list-style-type="no-bullet"}
    * No MIME support.
    * No option to encrypt to self by default.
* [DuckDuckGo](DuckDuckGo) redesign
    * Big new release, now includes Images and Videos search
    * Apple to support [DuckDuckGo](DuckDuckGo) as a search provider in iOS.
* Docker 1.0 - lightweight GNU/Linux containers ([](
* OpenRA 20140608 - now rips CDs under GNU/Linux correctly, performance improvements, gameplay tweaks ([](
* Mesa 10.2 - supports some new OpenGL 4 extensions, software rasterizer supports OpenGL 3.3 ([](
* id Software's original 'Softdisk' games released under the GPL-2 ([](
    * Code only. Requires original game assets.
* [OpenXcom](OpenXcom) 1.0 - a X-COM: UFO Defense engine (code only) reimplementation released under GPL-3 ([](
* Watch Dogs for PC released, doesn't work for many people due to DRM and failing servers ([](
* Debian 6 LTS ([](
* MATE now fully in Debian unstable ([](

##### Campaigns #####

* Email Self-Defense [](
* Reset the Net []( (and Privacy Pack [](

##### Other #####

* Where is [RedPhone](RedPhone) on F-Droid? "We don't distribute our apps on f-droid because we feel it's insecure" [](
* [TrueCrypt](TrueCrypt)
    * [TrueCrypt](TrueCrypt) Website Says To Switch To [BitLocker](BitLocker) ([](
    * The Sudden Policy Change In Truecrypt Explained ([](
    * A [TrueCrypt](TrueCrypt) secret warning identified ([](
    * AWS continues to use it exclusively anyway. ([](
* EFF/FSF's Tor Challenge [](
* Google and Facebook Can Be Legally Intercepted by GCHQ ([](, [](
    * Intercepted, but data collected in this way "cannot be read, looked at or listened to" except in strictly limited circumstances.
* NSA: Our systems are so complex we can’t stop them from deleting data wanted for lawsuit ([](
* Chinese gov’t(?) reveals Microsoft’s secret list of Android-killer patents ([](
* Netflix ditches Silverlight for HTML5 on Macs - uses EME in Safari on OS X Yosemite instead ([\](
* [WikiLeaks](WikiLeaks): NSA Recording All Telephone Calls In Afghanistan ([](
* XBox One Ad Turns on Consoles ([](
* Eben Moglen: Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy ([](

### Meet a member: (duration: 0:30) ###

* Les K. to continue on from last month{: list-style-type="no-bullet"}

#### Main Presentation (approx. 20 mins) ####

Andrew Spiers : Datawrapper :use, benefits, alternatives

#### Other ####

* Secretary role for July 17th (see below)

#### Dinner ####

* Classic Curry
* Andrew S. to investigate a potential on Lygon Street

## Goals, Ideas and Suggestions ##

### Goals ###

* Keeping meet ups moving
* make sure we can fit everything in
* start and finish on time to make dinner/travel predictable

### Ideas ###

* Meeting chair: schedule segments and time keeper
* 2014-06-19: Ben F.
* decide on an end time
* start as soon as possible, don't wait around for people

## Other ##

* Secretary role while Ben S. is away (June/July)
    * [](
    * 2014-06-19: Ben F.
    * 2014-07-17: TBD (delegate chosen by president, Adam){: page-href="wiki:///CommitteeMeetings/20140605"}