Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20140403

# Committee Meeting, 3 April 2014 #

[Original meeting notes](

I like that the Etherpad agenda page is provided weeks in advance. I can immediately add items to the page as I think them up.

* Topics for upcoming meeting on 17 April (Ben S.)

* Gnews:
    * TPP
        * [](
        * !!! [](
    * [](
    * [](
    * Another possibility: []( / [](
    * Talk by Jacob Appelbaum at Libre Planet []({: list-style-type="no-bullet"}

* Presentation:
    * Damien Zammit - flashed his corboot laptop **TODO: Ben S.**{: list-style-type="no-bullet"}

* Go-to interesting features:
    * Latest free-software-capable hardware
    * Interesting speakers
    * Show and tell (hardware, or things people have been working on)

* Ben F: Invite Jon Lawrence EFA to speak on TPP (perhaps for meeting 2014-05) **TODO: Ben F.**

* Record of attendance at meetings
    * Provide some record of numbers - Ben S. has done this informally in the past
    * Invite attendee to create a wiki account (with their name)
        * - committee to lead by example before the next meeting
        * Adam and Ben S to establish the best way to create a user page. One on [LibrePlanet](LibrePlanet) wiki, which we link to?
    * Email address optional→ mailing list send invite to the person
    * Get people's names spelled correctly
    * Clarify for people how their details will be used : Yep, we should write that on the sheet.

* Timeline for upcoming (regular) meeting agenda
    * 2 weeks, too short?
    * Discuss meeting topics on mailing list; topic suggestions welcome
    * Nominate a meeting agenda person?
    * Have a separate channel suggestions for upcoming topics
        * [](

* Moving FSM website to somewhere we can more easily share access. Possibly the wiki too. (Ben S.)
    * Rationale: Ben S. role in day-to-day FSM likely to decrease in the medium term
    * [](
    * Adam's machine costs him money to run & keep online
    * Backup schedule & location to be known
    * Adam to add redirections from []( to [](
    * Will redirect existing website **TODO: Ben S., Adam**

* Consider adopting [LibrePlanet](LibrePlanet) Mission Statement and Code of Conduct (Ben S.) **TODO: Everyone read**
    * [](
    * [](

* Next generation FSM website (Ben S.)
    * to put link to the wiki on the front page
    * twitter bootstrap
    * what to do with Australian Free Software Association
        * not home page
        * state intentions and that it doesn't just exist
    * Have FSM as a sub-domain (e.g.
    * Australian site aggregates State sub-sites
        * i.e. currently just shows latest activity from FSM
        * leaves open the future emergence of state groups
    * Blog to make announcements and news more visible

* Speakers to invite
    * John Spencer (ex-VPAC) - making things! **TODO: Alex to invite for 15 May?**{: page-href="wiki:///CommitteeMeetings/20140403"}