Syntax highlighting of ACTA

# ACTA #

* [ACTA website](
* [Stop ACTA campaign](

The Free Software Foundation is seeking signatories to a [firm, simple declaration against ACTA]( which they intend to use to show the USTR office that there is strong public opposition both in the USA and other affected countries. Perhaps we could discuss some of this with the Australian government?

## Some analysis of the situation ##

[,acta-isps-could-be-liable-for-trademark-infringements.aspx]( says:

* *The EU Trade Commissioner's memo noted that extending TPM into an enforcement treaty is inconsistent with current copyright laws elsewhere in the world. Australia's existing copyright laws, however, already support it.*{: list-style-type="no-bullet"}

According to what I was told, Australia partly restricts the distribution of programs to break digital handcuffs but does not forbid all distribution of them.  However, ACTA would require forbidding all distribution of them.

If so, then that statement is false, and so is this one:

* *Minister for Trade Dr Craig Emerson said Australia already has strong intellectual property laws and enforcement standards that should not require adjustment in order to sign ACTA.*{: list-style-type="no-bullet"}

If the minister formulates his thoughts using vague terms such as"intellectual property laws", no wonder he would get the facts wrong about one specific law.{: page-href="wiki:///ACTA"}