Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20150309

Attended: Adam B, Ben S (late)

1. Election

Would be good to avoid people reluctantly agreeing to positions on the night.

    - Damien
    - Ben M. (not sure on initial)
    - Glenn
    - Scott
    TODO: Check with Ben F, check with Glenn & Scott

2. update

43 in our meetup group!
6 new people RSVP'd to March meeting

3. Confirm details of upcoming meeting:

    Meeting host (nametags, sign on outer door, welcoming, timekeeping)
      - Adam to host
      - Ben S. to give name tags to Ben F. to bring
      - need to make sure someone is there early to welcome newbies and let them in (talk to Ben F.)

      - Adam to run election
        - description of roles
        - update from current committee on roles
        - call for nominations, then vote
          - president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer

      - William Grant on working in free software
      TODO: Ben S. to follow up - 30 mins, send email address to Adam

      - Adam to pull some things together

    Meet a member
      - not this month

      - Adam's choice

3. Possible topic for April:
    Peter Serwylo, core developer of F-Droid

4. Update on future venue
 - Electron Workshop sounds really likely, Ben S. to try to get more concrete agreement

TODO: Adam to ask Sitepoint (if Eletron Workshop doesn't look promising)

5. Future "contribute to free software" event
 - Melbourne Uni is a possibility
 - good to keep moving on this one - Scott keen
 - cap it, say 30 people so we can get a normal sized classroom
   - 20 gnewbies and 8-10 mentors?
   - May might be best - talk already for April
 - set of objectives for mentors and gnewbies
   - ie. get something submitted by end of day
   - "high touch" - don't leave students stuck on their own

6. Possible Sydney cousin
 - Steve to coordinate in Sydney with Matt and possibly Patrick