Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20160814

= FSM Committee Notes =
==== SFD Planning (Aug 2016) ====
 * Saturday 2016-09-17: S.F.D.:  11:00 – 16:00

== Before the FSM TODOs: ==
 * Signs - Michael -  GNU colors (red/white) - Get moving on this. GO GO GNU ACTION FORCE!
 * Name tags for organizers & groups - Ben M - prototype for Thursday
 * Check EW network & password... make signes for SFD - Ben M - Speed tests on Thursday - Streaming to projector?

== Before the day TODOs: ==
 * Announce by: 19th Party time on the annoucment!
 * joint games (or install fest) with LuV... anyone able to vol a PC?: 
    * Ben M: one PC & kb & mouse
    * Michael - Mac Mini + Atom based Chinese Windows 10 box of doom. Keyboard and mouses + Xbox controller.
 * Global Software freedom day website. - Ben M
 * Get Ben S to update site? - Ben M
 * update website and homepage: & & sfd site... - Ben M
 * Groups to invite:
     * LUV & FSM - 
     * FSS
     * EW & RH???
     * MLug / Melbourne Open Source Meetup
     * CCHS / makerlab / MESH / 
     * Pirate Party
     * EFA
     * blender
     * Privacy . org (
     * Open Knowlege & Gov/Health/Budget - Hack / RHoK
     * Free Software Sydney
     * Thoughtworks/CfA?
     * HTML5 groups (css/frameworks/...)?
     * docker / R / puppet / openshift / ruby / rust / django / mongo / openGIS / postgres / python
     * wordpress / drupal
     * wikipedia / wikimedia
     * microsoft open source
     * OWASP / cryptohackers
     * bitcoin

== Things to do on the day: ==
 * Ask Ben S to bring Zoom audio recorder, (or Damien to bring audio equipment?) - Ben M to ask Ben S if we can do audio streaming?
 * Tea/coffee & light snacks - Ben F 
 * Donation/suggestion box - Michael
 * Door duty roster
   1. 10:00am - 11:45pm - Michael Verrenkamp
   2. 11:45pm - 1:00pm - Damien Zammit?
   3. 2.30pm - 3:30pm - Ben M
   4. 3:30pm-End - Ben F?
 * Photos (Email photo's too... & Media goblin) - Ben M
 * LUV banners (Banner? Small Poster?) - Ben M

== SFD proposed timetable ==
   * 11:00 - opening talk - ICT in schools, use of free software in schools.
   * 12:00 - second talk - Matt Chenga - OSM Applications
   * 1:00 - local groups talks & break for lunch 
   * 2:30 - final talk - Adam Zammit - Open source/free software at A.C.S.P.R.I.
   * 3:30 - games & workshops 
   * 4:45 - closing speach LuV & FSM talks (Andrew & Ben M) 

= FSM Committee Notes =
==== August 2016 ====

== Recap last meetup & meeting ==
 * working group - working too hard
 * Role-based email addresses - not working yet

== Next Month ==
 * Talk/Event: Paul Foxworthy - ausprefs
 * Gnews: - Ben F
 * Tea/Coffee: Michael bring it next meetup! ... damn it!
 * dinner: resteraunt after
 * Announce: done
 * Also on and Diaspora - Ben M
 * Door & Stickers & Pens: Ben M
 * Audio: Michael to talk to Damian
 * Intro & MC - Michael - EW space, CoC, intros, SFD

== Reports to tresurer ==
 * $9.00 donations

== Timeline ==
 * Jul 21st - Lilly Ryan - Scientific Hooliganism
 * Aug 18th - Paul Foxworthy
 * Saturday 2016-09-17: S.F.D.
 * Oct 20th - Michael Verrenkamp - The Paradoxes of free software. The odd behaviours of users in light of logic. 
 * Nov 17th - 
 * Dec 15th - Dinner
 * Jan 
 * Feb 
 * Mar 
 * Apr
 * May
 * Jun