Syntax highlighting of rolesInFSM

# Responsibilities in Free Software Melbourne #

*The purpose of this list is to define the various responsibilities held by committee members.*

* Participate on FSM website, wiki and mailing list
    * Website: Post blog entries for meetup announcing speaker (see details below)
    * Wiki: Post committee notes and generaly improve the space (good scout principle)
    * Mailing list: Ensure you are enrolled and able to post messages to the "general" and "announce" lists
* Be involved in planning upcoming meetings and events
* Suggest potential speakers, events and activities for the group
* Be involved in promoting FSM and outreach to other groups
* Be a good advocat and role model for the group
* Bring groups attention to current and upcoming campaigns and events
* Liaise with other related groups
* Make and sell merchandise like stickers ([RedBubble](RedBubble) might be a good option, just design a sticker and profit)
* Setup [EtherPad](EtherPad) for committe meetings like [this example]( (most meetings won't have everything, but the basic form)
* Prepare and setup audio recording for meetups
* Send out announcement emails at least one week before the meetup to the "announce" and "main" mailing lists
* Consider posting to,, Diaspora or similar
* Consider preparing a short summary of the meet up for the blog

Example schedule:

* 6:30pm Welcome and introduce speaker
* 6:40pm Talk/discussion
* 7:10pm Q&A and topic discussion
* 7:30pm Gnews
* 8:00pm Leave

How to prepare an announcement:

* Prepare a blog with all information, links and attachments at [](
    * Check all links work
    * I leave this open and copy paste into everything else to make sure it's all the same
* Add a link to the Main page: [](
* Add a link to the Melbourne page: [](
* Send out a Main mailing list email: [](
* Send out an Announce mailing list email: [](
* Post a Meetup event: [](
* Publish on Diaspora, Pump and others to taste :D{: page-href="wiki:///rolesInFSM"}