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# Australian Free Software Association Wiki #

A collection of information about free software in Australia.

**This wiki is no longer in active use.**

## Work for contribution ##

* [FSM Constitution](Constitution)

## Campaigns . and Advocacy ##

Take action and help the cause of Free Software

* [Campaigns](campaigns)
* [Contributing to free software in your workplace](contributingAtWork)
* [Easy Advocacy](easyAdvocacy)
* [Services to the Free Software Community by this group](communityServices)
* [Workshop: Contributing To Free Software 2015](contributing)

## Free Software Resources ##

Fun and entertaining resources for your liberated enjoyment

* [Favourite Games](favouriteGames)
* [DRM Free Resources](DrmFreeResources)
* [Free software projects in/from Australia](AustralianFreeSoftwareProjects)

## Free Software Melbourne Committee and Administration ##

Behind this curtain lies the ugly mechanics that makes the FSM magic happen

* [Priorities](priorities)
* [Committee Meetings](CommitteeMeetings)
* [Encouraging Women](encouragingWomen)
* [Roles in Free Software Melbourne](rolesInFSM)
* [Upcoming discussion topic ideas](upcomingTopics)
* [Streaming](Streaming)
* [Donation ideas](donations)
* [Ideas for promoting the group](promotion)
* [New Website](NewWebsite)

## Free Software Sydney ##

Free software events and planning in NSW

* [Sydney events](Sydney)

## To move to web site: ##

[Audio/Video from recorded talks](Recordings){: page-href="wiki:///Home"}