Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20130711

= 20130711 Jitsi

Original link: [[|]]

== Meeting minutes ==
 * 20:30
   * Meeting scheduled
 * 21:10
   * Meeting actually started due to experimentation with video conferencing solutions.
   * Ended up using audio-only to avoid ICE and bandwidth-related issues.
   * Started talking about discussion group topics for next meet-up.
 * 21:15
   * Ben and Adam dropped out simultaneously
   * Etherpad mentioned
     * Runs on node.js. Would have to use a reverse proxy.

  * 21:25 transitioned
  * Byte into it
  * Ouya

  * 21:30:
    * Ben tested sending images via XMPP! :)
    * ThinkPenguin

  * 21:39
    * Logo and Website redesign discussion

  * 21:53
    * Treasurer: questions for group

  * 22:10
    * Finish

== Etherpad dump (FIXME: formatting fixes) ==


1. Gloat about how awesome PyCon Australia was. DONE

2. Check we're all good with Thursday 2013-07-18 meeting agenda: DONE

    Pirate Party's take on copyright, patent and privacy (Ben McGinnes, Pirate Party) 

    Ouya game console: how free is it? (Adam Bolte) - AF spoke with Andrew; we can use the TV in the VPAC office, so we can even have sound!

    Alex's free software release: Raster Storage Archive (Alex Fraser) 

    Followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant 

    Ben F. will be absent, prior engagement

    Ben S updated web site:

3. Play with Etherpad. ONGOING

4. Processes for committee - anything missing?

    Agree on process for agenda prior to meeting

    Adam to send out a Etherpad meeting URL prior

5. Physical meeting of committee - DONE

    Thursday 2013-08-01 18:00–20:00

    18:20 Dinner at Oriental Tea House, 378 Little Collins Street

6. Think Penguin 802.11 adapters, firmware now free software

    Model TPE-N150USB

    Sold at Think Penguin, US$54.00

    Ben F. has bought three, haven't tried them in anything yet. What to do with them?

7. Logo and website for FSM

    Logo competition, pros and cons

    Pros: direct engagement with community

    Cons: demoralising for those not picked

    Fresh website design

    Remove or keep news section updated

    Keep thing minimal

    Committee to tap shoulders of graphic-design friends; who will donate some time to a logo or website?

    Decision on how to proceed postponed to next ctte meeting

8. Treasurer: questions for group


    Website, domain, mailing list — are they the group's?

    Ben S. paying from own pocket, currently happy to continue

    Promotional items: t-shirts, stickers

    BenF using GnuCash for treasury accounting

    Doesn't allow BitCoin 'cos it's not an ISO-recognised currency :-(

#. Possible agenda for August meeting

    Andrew Spiers - Commafeed


    Ben S. to share repo for website Org files

    Ben S. to sign up for software freedom day merch. and talk to Lev

    Ben F. to earmark prizes:

    MediaGoblin T-shirt (Men's size L)

    Free-software 802.11 adapter TPE-N150USB (4-member contribution to cost)

    Alex F. ownCloud to be brought up at the next meeting. Alex to chip in.

    Adam. Prepare agenda for next ctte meeting

    Adam. Make booking for Oriental Tea House