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8b2e6f3 ~( meetingNotes/20140417)
== Damien Zammit - Coreboot ==
* [[|Coreboot]] is a Free Software replacement for proprietary BIOS - really important project
* Coreboot does the minimal initialisation of hardware, hands off rest of the task to a "payload" program like GRUB or SeaBIOS
* sister project Flashrom handles complex task of writing to different flash ROM chips
* lots of manual work for Coreboot to support each new machine, even if similar components
* recent Intel machines require proprietary blob
* AMD have an agreement with Coreboot to provide full specs - yay!
* installing Coreboot on Lenovo Thinkpad T60
* T60 that Damien owns has about 5 different variations
* visually identify flashrom chip (get hands dirty)
* first time compiled Coreboot and flashed, machine was dead
* you need a recovery method first, eg. external flashing device
* always take a backup of existing BIOS with Flashrom
* was able to restore original BIOS with external clip and Rasberry Pi
* T60 had some unusual settings that reverse flash memory - challenging
* once installed relatively easy to upgrade
* Damien also working on replacing binary blob in modern Intel boards
* null modem cable to give serial output from Coreboot eg. printf
* EFI is just software with an agreed spec. - Coreboot replaces it
* Damien also tried Coreboot on a modern AMD AGESA HUDSON board and worked first time - F2A85-M ~ $70 for board
* [[|Libreboot]] restricted subset of Coreboot without binary blobs
* Also started a [[|wiki]] about why proprietary blobs in BIOS is bad and issues with Intel
* additional ARC CPU with RSA signed code that can control main CPU and talk to the Internet
* runs a real-time OS
* every model after T60/X60
* not an issue with AMD boards
== Gnews ==
[[|OpenSSL Heartbeat vulnerability]]
* affects both servers and clients
* upgrade Android 4.1 or greater
* not all TLS implementations, not GnuTLS
* not GPG related
* upgrade and replace private keys
* must also restart all services
* broken into mainstream, lots of confusion and bad reporting
* interesting issues relating to free software
* wouldn't have been discovered or fixed easily otherwise
* trolling about Free Software negatives
* interesting that two discovered at same time
* not much happening right now - that makes it hard to fight
* nebulous
* possibly get a talk on this some time from EFA
[[|Project Gooseberry]]
* looking for more donations by this weekend
* feature length film
[[|Embrace the Remix Ted video]]
* videos supported by free software without flash!
* very much worth a watch - touches on copyright and patent problems
* support folks who are supporting open hardware
[[|Talk by Jacob Appelbaum at Libre Planet]]
* first talk available from March 2014 LibrePlanet conference (because it was given by videoconference)
* talks and shows a Novena