Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20160512

= FSM Committee Notes =
=== May 2016 ===
== Quick ctte meeting ==
 * Order of meetup
  * Intro/MC - 6:30-6:35 - Ben F.
  * RHoK - 6:35-7:10 - Angus
  * Gnews - ??? - Ben M
  * Privacy - 7:10-8:00 - Andrew J
 * Announce: Michael - then ping Ben S. to modify website
 * Tea & coffee: Michael
 * Audio: Damien
 * Timekeeping:  Michael
 * Intro/gnews: Ben M
 * Welcome/nametags: Ben F.
 * HDMI/VGA cables & audio headset - Ben M.

Next month's committee etherpad:

== Intro notes ==
Introduce space.

 * toilets
 * drinks


 * be mindfull of others
 * be awesome


 * Outgoing committee members Scott Jurner and Ben Sturmfields and also all our contribuitors to FSM by speaking, contribuiting and generally pitching in for the "2015/16 season"
 * Electron Workshop home ground
 * Ben S. & System Saviour for hosing and technical services

Angus Hervey - RHoK Andrew Jones - free software and privacy

== Welcome new committee ==
 * Exchange contact details

== Setup & Tools ==
 * Mailing list, everyone on-board? -all ok
  * Unsub ex-members? - do unsub, add finance (Ben F. to talk to Ben S.)
 * - all ok
 * Website and wiki: - Michael & Damien to get accounts (Where do I get the website account? Ive got the wiki one.)
 * Media goblin: - Michael & Damien: this should be the same, just apply for account on site (Doesnt work)

== Admin ==
 * Venue
  * still some issues with av
  * better than this time last year

 * Roles
  * Old attempt:
  * Maintaining wiki / committee notes - Damien / Ben M
  * Posting announcement to mailing list / meetup ... anyone have .ical experience or similar? - Michael
  * Gnews - Ben M
  * Facilitator / timekeeping - Ben F
  * Bring name tags - Ben S
  * Blogging
  * lock up venue - Ben M to call Ben S. & confirm key avaliablity

ICS template file for calendar event
||<tablewidth="100%"><<BR>>    BEGIN:VCALENDAR<<BR>>    PRODID:-//Calendar//Calendar Event//EN<<BR>>    CALSCALE:GREGORIAN<<BR>>    METHOD:PUBLISH<<BR>>    DTSTAMP:20160512T180000Z<<BR>><<BR>>    BEGIN:VEVENT<<BR>>    DTSTART:20160519T180000Z<<BR>>    SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Free software Melbourne<<BR>>    DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:<<BR>>    UID:1<<BR>>    LOCATION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Electron Workshop, 31 Arden Street, North Melbourne.<<BR>>    PRIORITY:1<<BR>>    SEQUENCE:0<<BR>>    END:VEVENT<<BR>>    END:VCALENDAR ||

 * This app claims to create iCal entries based on form input.

 * Some generic advice to consider:

== Long term planning ==
 * What works well?
 * group discussions
 * gnews type activities

 * What doesn't work so well?
 * gnews less quantity and slower pace

 * Things to work on this year?
  * Try to schedule talks that will promote discussion
  * Devise a stratergy for dealing with problems such as conversations getting derailed
  * Encouraging diversity, possibly outreach to student organizations and other like-minded groups
  * encouraging new people to join and come along
  * Ask FSM Mailing list to make us a Facebook page
  * Spread the word. Make flyer to put in libraries, universities, community boards... flyer iPhone 7 launch night... :D
  * Consistent content on Website, blog wise and keeping records of local events.
  * Suggestion box
  * Organized social media campaigns: eg a social media pack for DayAgainstDRM, one liners, tweetable pics...
  * Where does the contact us page land on the website?

 * Finances
  * starting to have real costs, should have a plan for income
  * Electron Workshop hosting (or is this zero-cost?)
  * group (currently paid by Ben S., but how much?)
  * Internet services (System Saviour, paid by Adam Bolte)
  * beginners workshop
  * Maybe we should establish a < > contact point, allowing for continuity to future FSM treasurers.
   * Who does the administration for email at ‘’? - Ben F. to confirm
  * Pizza c/o Sturm ($7 per person up to max of $119)

== Events ==
 * S.F.D.
 * Beginners Workshop (uni collaboration would be great)
 * F-Droid themed night - Potential name for this event - "Go F(droid) yourself."
 * Continue the "How I found Free software" talks? - Good for ending of meetings
 * Email Self Defence Workshop:
 * troublesome media formats

 * Try to hit next year
 * Day Against Drm (3rd of May)
 * Document freedom day (late March)