Syntax highlighting of meetingNotes/20140515

= Meeting notes =
== Brief update from Committee ==
 * Reminder about who we are
 * Website move to Adam's VPS
 * Project to revamp website
 * New [[|Mission Statement]] and [[|Code of Conduct]]

== Bitcoin: The intro and demo ==

== Meet a member: Les Kitchen ==
 * how did you get into free software?
 * what interests you?
 * what are you hoping to do in the future?

== Gnews ==
 * [[|new Firefox]] removed tabs on bottom, toolbar in Windows, the Firefox button, the add-on bar, etc.

 * [[|new Screen]] - 

 * [[|new OpenSSH]]

 * [[|new Mailman]] (with Twitter bootstrap!) (demo: )

 * patents: [[|Supreme Court Makes It Easier To Get Lawyers Fees In Patent Cases]]

 * MediaGoblin campaign a [[|success]]!


 * [[|All Packages Needed For FreedomBox Now In Debian]]

 * [[|Privacy Badger]] Firefox and Chrome extension
== Dinner ==