Syntax highlighting of CommitteeMeetings/20150508

= Things that worked well =

 * amount of discussion
   * adds to the meeting
   * more interaction than other meetup groups

 * overtly talking about free software

 * deliberately non-technical
   * even though most members are technical
   * less jargon, good for newcombers

 * getting a bit bigger, more momentum

 * great letter to Mozilla
   * been wanting to do more outward-facing stuff like this
   * perhaps more opinion pieces for website
   * Facebook's

 * introducing continuity, new committed people getting involved

 * working well with LUV, eg. Software Freedom Day

 * inviting women specifically

 * just inviting people in general working too

 * not a problem turning up late with phone number

 * become more a part of society, public facing, activism

 * photo carousel on website makes a big difference

= Things that didn't work so well =

 * not enough women
   * encouraging women event was good

 * time of meeting may not be ideal for many
   * getting into city is hard
   * consider closer to a station?

 * getting locked out is still a hassle

 * we don't have any money

 * discussion can make it harder to be an anonymous newbie

= Things to work on =

 * more educating the public on privacy and security

 * following up on invites

 * publish "I'm late" phone number in meeting announcement

 * print and laminate the window sign

 * go to other compatible groups
   * freedom and openness
   * community groups
   * non-technical
   * societal issues

 * GovHack presence

 * invite Pia to talk at FSM?

 * follow up with a blog post after meetings
   * builds confidence

 * go back through archive and list past meeting topics somewhere

 * LCA presence?

 * being called upon as practical educators
   * write documents, eg. download and install LibreOffice

 * ask about what sort of event would suit our (not yet present) members

 * run joint events with other groups

 * explicitly welcome newbies

 * keep making an effort to start on time
   * make sure we nominate a meeting chair/host/timekeeper
   * nominate someone to sit on door for first 15 mins

 * mix in more informal events, schedule them well ahead to give us a break
   * trivia night
   * clash of the licenses
   * things involving teamwork
   * things in Gnews

 * find groups we haven't partnered with
   * makes normal sounding activities new and interesting

 * run keysigning parties
   * roll out same thing with different groups

 * run something not on a Thursday night
   * perhaps on a day that doesn't typically suit committee members
   * LUV Beginners?

= Ideas for "contribute to free software" event =

 * next thing is to pick a date well in advance, eg. 2 months
 * Melb Uni venue looks like it would work, may provide catering
 * warmup by making a contribution to Wikipedia
 * then a contribution to Open Street Map
 * then a documentation change
 * talk to people who run Open Tech School

= Ideas for June meeting =

 * Scott: Distributed social networks
 * Ben M: Guy on Android in schools